Forthic Literals
Forthic literals are words that aren’t defined per se but which the Forthic interpreter treats as words. When executed, these words simply push their value onto the stack.
Number Literals
The actual syntax for a number literal varies depending on the host language, but it includes what you might normally expect. Here are some examples:
Date Literals
Date literals always have this format: YYYY-MM-DD
. If a date is invalid, NULL
is returned. For example:
2024-01-24 # Jan 24, 2024
1970-10-21 # Oct 21, 1970
2024-01-36 # NULL
Time Literals
Time literals always have this format: HH:MM
. Time literals use a 24 hour clock. If a time is invalid, NULL
is returned. For example:
09:30 # 9:30 AM
22:45 # 10:45 PM
95:23 # NULL