OrgJQL Leaderboard Gadget

The Leaderboard Gadget rolls tickets up by manager and slices them by a key dimension so you can get a high level summary.

Leaderboard Components





This is the title of the leaderboard. It can be configured from the edit view of the dashboard

Manager Chain

This shows a breadcrumb view starting at the top most manager and descending down the chain. The rightmost manager indicates what data the gadget is currently displaying. In the diagram above, this gadget is showing data for Leo Moore.

Overall Distribution

This pie chart shows the overall distribution of issues by slice. This includes all issues rolling up to the current manager. Clicking on a slice will bring up those issues in the Issue Navigator.

Manager Rollups

The rows in the manager rollup table correspond to the direct reports of the current manager (including the current manager). All of the issues for the current manager are split into the manager they roll up into from any level in the org.

Issue Slices

Each column in the manager rollup table corresponds to a slice of the issues for that manager based on some attribute. By default this is the issue Status.

Configuring the Leaderboard Gadget

Before any Leaderboard Gadget can be configured, the OrgJQL plugin must be configured by your Jira admin. This involves adding user/manager data to the OrgJQL admin page.


Configuration Item


“Need Help?”

This links to the documentation page you are currently reading


This sets the title of the gadget


This selects the issues for this gadget

Root Manager

This specifies the root manager for the gadget. This will be the leftmost manager in the manager chain of the gadget. You will not be able to drill up any higher than the root manager.

The basic behavior of the gadget is as follows:

  • Issues are sliced by Status

  • Issues are rolled up into manager by the issue Assignee

  • Only the “To Do”, “In Progress”, and “Done” slices are displayed

Advanced Configuration

Clicking on the “Show advanced config” switch will show the following options.

Advanced Config Item



These are the issue fields that are pulled for the gadget. Only these fields will be available for the gadget’s use. Note that Assignee and Status are specified. Without those, the basic gadget will not function.

“Slice By”

This is Forthic code for slicing issues by Status.

One straightforward tweak is to change Status to a different field like Priority so you can slice by that. Note that you will need to update Fields to add Priority so it’s pulled as part of the issue.

Since this is Forthic code, you can also construct computed attributes to slice by – this is outside the scope of this documentation. See Forthic Office Hours if you want to compute slices.

“Slice By Values”

These are the values of the slices that will be displayed in the column.

The order of these values determines the column order. The first column will be sorted in descending order by default.

NOTE: Only issues with the specified slices will be included in the report.

Value Forthic

This converts a list of issues into a value to be displayed. By default, we use LENGTH to convert an array of issues into a number of issues.

You can use this to change what values are displayed in the gadget. For instance, you could use this to show the rollup of Story Points. Doing this is outside of the scope of the documentation. See Forthic Office Hours if you want to do anything like this.